Cystic Fibrosis Australia

Cystic Fibrosis Australia (CFA) is the peak consumer body for people living with cystic fibrosis. CFA is committed to improving clinical practice and patient outcomes through its quality improvement programs and research with the aim of extending life expectancy from 37 to 50 years by 2025.

Every four days a baby is born in Australia with cystic fibrosis (CF) and more than one million Australians are carriers of cystic fibrosis.

Cystic Fibrosis Australia (CFA) is focused on collaborative programs and research, funding partnerships and advocacy. The LJ Hooker Foundation are key partners in their Consumer Connect community program.

CFA encourages collaboration to ensure the best gains are achieved in the fasted time, knowledge is shared, breakthroughs are celebrated and funds are not wasted through duplication.

CFA collaborates with government entities, health service providers, research groups, NFPs in the health and chronic disease sectors and overseas colleagues and foundations.

Collaboration allows the organisation to be smarter with their research, services and clinical improvement programs but most importantly it delivers better outcomes more quickly for people with Cystic Fibrosis.

Cystic Fibrosis Australia is responsible for creating innovative and enduring funding streams, cost and service effective business practices and a positive culture of support, respect and celebration.

CFA has established a consistent approach to advocacy across Australia and is now a subject matter expert for government, industry and the media.

CFA also supports state and territory CF bodies who provide valuable services to the CF community.

CFA works tirelessly to raise the profile of cystic fibrosis nationally and takes key messages to government, business and the health and community sectors to ensure these groups to understand and appreciate the challenges people with CF face. These include key issues such as drug affordability and availability, infection control, gene testing and access to the best medical and allied health services.