Culture College Arnhem Land Aboriginal Corporation

Culture College Arnhem Land Aboriginal Corporation, the leading educational Aboriginal immersion experience in Australia, is a non-profit organisation established to inspire and educate secondary school students and empower the next generation of Australia’s leaders.

Culture College is collaborating with Firesticks to raise awareness of traditional fire management techniques.

The current bushfire crisis that has crippled many parts of Australia has drawn Culture College to partner with Firesticks, an Indigenous Alliance that focuses on the use of cultural burning practices to better prevent future wildfire. 

By contributing to this partnership through the LJ Hooker Foundation, Culture College Aboriginal Corporation and Firesticks, you will be helping to train over 100 accredited cultural fire practitioners across Australia to read country and apply cultural fire regimes that care for and protect land and life. You will also be helping create educational modules on fire management for Culture College Immersion programs to educate the next generation of students regarding these traditional practices. This knowledge will be taken back to schools and local communities across Australia to embed in curriculum and enhance decision making on the prevention of future bushfire disasters.

Through this support of traditional custodians in maintaining and building fire knowledge and practice, in consultation and partnership with government agencies, we can all work towards better land management.


Culture College’s mission is to  develop lifetime cross-cultural relationships for Australia’s youth – unite and empower the next generation of Australia’s leaders today through educational exchange programs to ensure a stronger more dynamic Australia tomorrow:

  • Educate students from urban areas with knowledge of and respect for the oldest living culture on Earth, Australia’s Aboriginal cultures, and the spectacular environment of Arnhem Land.
  • Provide educational and cultural links between schools in Arnhem Land and schools across Australia.
  • Bring sustainable economic activities to the Aboriginal Homelands; making these traditional lands more attractive for Yolŋu to return to their country, critical lands for the preservation of their culture.
  • Strengthen the broader Arnhem Land economy through job creation and also increasing the tourism profile of East Arnhem Land.
  • Improve the utilisation of East Arnhem’s assets by repurposing existing facilities and giving them a new lease on life.

Culture College is a social enterprise that organises school tours to Arnhem Land to inspire and educate secondary school students about Yolŋu culture and their environment. 

Students will have the opportunity to learn and interact with elders and children in the Community and with our Cultural Exchange Program, learn from the Dhimurru and Yirralka Rangers about the environment and conservation techniques and take part in art classes at the Buku-Larrnggay Mulka Art Centre.

Arnhem land is one of the most culturally intact and pristine regions left on earth and home to the Yolŋu people and their lands of which they have been the traditional owners for over 50,000 years. 

Culture College is partnered with the local traditional owners to provide exceptional tours to schools to realise our aim of creating a new economy for Yolŋu (Yolngu) people in Arnhem Land through educational tourism. Programs are tailor-made for each school’s requirements and the personal development needs of your students.